Have you had popup windows that have "disappeared" after a crash or change of resolution?
An easy solution is to open Script Editor, hit record, do what you want, then stop and save.
The trouble with this method is that you are stuck with those particular folders until you re-edit your script. And if one of the folders was deleted at some stage, the script will fall over.
This program allows you to easily set, reset and remove any popup windows, ignoring any that aren't currently present (eg on removable media).
Another advantage is that instead of installing the program on each individual computer on a network, it can reside on the server meaning only one copy needs to be installed over an entire network.
How to use Popup Manager
Drag and Drop:
• a folder called "popup windows" will be created in the system folder (if it doesn't already exist)
• an alias of each folder or disk (local) will be created in the "Popup Windows" folder and made into a popup window
• for mounted servers, "Popup Windows" will be created in the root directory of that volume, and aliases moved there
• nothing is copied anywhere
• a dialogue is displayed to say what was created.
The following conditions apply (for which I must thank Tony Lambert):
If the user drags a folder to Popup Manager and -
• a popup of the folder does not exist and there is no alias in the "Popup Windows" folder, an alias and a popup is created.
• a popup of the folder does not exist, but there is an alias in the "Popup Windows" folder, the popup is created again.
• a popup of the folder does exist, but there is no alias in the "Popup Windows" folder, an alias is created and the popup remains.
• a popup of the folder does exist and there is an alias in the "Popup Windows" folder, the alias is trashed and the popup removed.
If the folder is on a local disk (ie not on the network), the alias is kept in "Popup Windows" folder in your system folder.
If the folder is on a network volume, the alias is kept in "Popup Windows" folder in the root directory of that volume.
This ensures that if you run Popup Manager while you have someone's volume mounted over the network, their popups don't become your popups.
• any items that are either folders, disks (or alias's to the same) are opened and made into popup windows on ANY MOUNTED DISK that has an alias to a folder on that volume.
What's new in version 2?
Almost everything about this version is new. It has grown from a simple utility to a powerful tool.
There are three parts to Popup Manager 2.0: a manager, a client and an upgrader.
The Manager
The manager does everything listed above.
If you use the manager for administration purposes, you can create your own folder (as long as you call it "Popup Windows") in the root directory of a shared volume/folder and place aliases inside it. You will need to do this if you are sharing a folder as a network volume. Note: you will not be able to use these on the resident system, only if it is a network volume.
If the network volume has read/write access, simply lock the "Popup Windows" folder so people can read, but not write/delete objects.
The Client
The client will only reset popup windows. This is good for a network (especially schools) where you don't want all the screens cluttered with popup windows.
The Upgrader
Due to a small legal problem, the name of the product had to be changed. Tie this together with a re-distribution of folders, there was a need for tidying up the residual mess.
The upgrader does this by creating the "Popup Windows" folder in the system folder of your startup drive,
Moves the contents (or aliases) of each of the old folders to "Popup Windows",
Moves contents on each mounted volume to a folder called "Old Popups" in the root directory of each volume, then
Trashes the old folders (either "Popup Windows", or "Popup Folders")
If you want to change the order of your popup windows
it sounds weird, but it works
• Choose the item you want to be left-most.
• Rename it to whatever you want (if it's an alias, it doesn't matter, if it's a folder, rename it to what it's already called)
• Repeat for next left-most and so on, until you get to right-most.
• Close all popups.
• Launch Popup Manager.
If the items are aliases, number them 1 to x for simplicity. It's easy to remember, too.
If the control strip gets in the way
Option-drag the control strip to the right-hand side.
Maybe in the future, I'll figure out how to get the popups on the right-hand side. 8o)
What won't work
• If you place an alias of a folder from a network volume into the Popup Windows folder in the system folder, that window will not be made a popup if that network volume is not already mounted. In short, it won't mount network volumes for you.
• While Popup Manager has some network functionality, it is limited. There is no provision for specific user's popups - this will need to be handled by share setups and access priveleges.
Popup Manager 2.0 may be distributed freely, with these provisions:
• All components are kept together.
• I get a copy of anything it is distributed with and I'll let everyone know what a good sport you are.
• This read me file stays with the app.
• You email me some details of the distribution (it's always good to know how far your work goes)
This program is supplied as is. It works for me (and many others). If it does not work for you, or in some way damages your system and/or creates world peace, then I cannot be made accountable.
A word of thanks
Tony Lambert gave more feedback than I expected. He was responsible for the four conditions for moving/creating/removing popups.
Apple, of course. AppleScript is amazing! More applications should support it. From now on, inclusion of AppleScript awareness will be a major factor in my selection of products for my company's purchases.
Also, I must thank Highware (who holds the trademark "PopupFolder") who forced me to change the name. If I hadn't renamed the product "Popup Manager", it may never have progressed so far and become a true manager.